Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Famous People Fired Because of Twitter Posts

With over 300 million users on Twitter and about 140 million tweets sent every day, the rich and powerful should know that “what happens on Twitter doesn’t stay on Twitter.” Several powerful people lost their jobs because of Tweets that they couldn’t take back. Trolling on Twitter catches even the powerful in the act. If it’s on the internet, it’s not a secret, no matter what the privacy statement says.

Here are a several powerful people who lost their jobs because of out-of-line tweets they couldn’t take back. Even powerful people don’t seem to know which side their bread is buttered.

Jofi Joseph, a White House National Security Staff official has been posting on Twitter for over two years under the false username, @natsecwonk. Caught red-handed with a fake Twitter name, Joseph lost his job with national security. In his tweets, he leaked information about the Obama  administration and and tweeted insults about government and state officials. Here are a few of his infamous tweets before his account was shut down:

“So when will someone do us the favor of getting rid of Sarah Palin and the rest of her white trash family? What utter useless garbage .... ”

 “Was Huma Abedin wearing beer goggles the night she met Anthony Wiener? Almost as bad a pairing as Samantha Powers and Cass Sunstein ....,” 

Richie Incognito, an NFL lineman lost his position with the Miami Dolphins for racial slurs made on his Twitter feed about his teammate Jonathan Martin. Later, Incognito offered an apology on Twitter but it was “too little too late,” saying “I would like to send Jonathan my apologies as well. Until someone tells me different You are still my brother. Not hard feelings :)”

Roland Martin, CNN commentator,  was suspended from his job when he tweeted homophobic comments during the 2012 Super Bowl. Even his apology couldn’t save him, “I’m disheartened that my words would embolden prejudice.” The reason CNN gave for Martin’s suspension was that “Roland Martin’s tweets were regrettable and offensive.” His job contract was not renewed. 

Roland Martin (Right)
Mike Bacsik, radio host and former MLB pitcher tweeted racist comments on Twitter after the NBA playoff game between the Dallas Mavericks and San Antonio Spurs game. Feeling frustrated when his favorite team suffered a setback with the ejection of Manu Ginobili, vented on Twitter with foul language and racist comments saying, “Congrats to all the dirty Mexicans in San Antonio.” His Twitter apology didn’t help any, "I'm sorry for my horribly insensitive tweet last night about the Hispanic comm. in San Antonio. I apologize and I hope u can forgive me."

Gilbert Gottfried, the famous comedian and Aflac duck “quacker” found himself out of a job after joking on Twitter about the Japanese tsunami disaster, "Japan is really advanced. They don't go to the beach. The beach comes to them," His quacking days are over after his 12 outrageous and insensitive jokes about the disaster that left over 3,000 people dead.

Nicole Crowther, an actress on the TV series, Glee, got the boot when she posted on Twitter spoilers about upcoming episodes of Glee. It seems only fitting that the show’s producer, Brad Falchuk actually fired Crowther on Twitter,” Hope you're qualified to do something besides work in entertainment."

Catherine Deveny, an Australian newpaper journalist for The Age, posted scathing comments about celebrities during an awards show. One of the most offensive tweets that left Deveny in the unemployment line was when she posted that she wished Steve Irwin’s 11-year-old daughter got laid. Deveny also tweeted about another star, saying she hoped his second wife “didn’t die too.” The star’s first wife died of cancer.

Monday, June 2, 2014

10 Tips to Lead a Happy Life

Do you wonder about what makes life worth living? Most people believe it’s a life full of happiness. The big question is: How do you find happiness in your life? Philosophers, religious leaders, spiritual gurus and most people try to answer this question every day. The following 10 tips can help you find happiness in your life.

1. Kindness

No one can be truly happy without sharing happiness with others. To live a joyful life, practice kindness, sympathy for others and be generous to the people around you. As the Dali Lama once said, “If you want others to be happy practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” 

2. Open to Change

Just as the world turns, life is an ever-evolving experience. If you’re willing to change and not remain stagnant in your ways, then you will be much happier. Accepting change, whether caused by outside forces or inner changes in your personal life lead to a happier, more fulfilled life.

3. Social Life  

Lonely people rarely find true happiness. Make connections with other people, whether it’s family members or friends. Building strong relationships with other people add meaning to life, which increases joy and happiness. Spend some extra time with loved one, talking about the future, life’s challenges and working out problems.

4. Community Service

We’ve all heard the old adage, “Giving is better than receiving.” When it comes to finding happiness, this is still true. In a study published by the National Academy of Sciences, they discovered that happiness from doing good deeds for others was more gratifying than self-gratification. Think about volunteering at a local charitable organization or contributing a few extra dollars to your favorite charity. You’ll be surprised at the happiness you will feel from sharing your time and treasure.

5. Complete a Project

When you find yourself swallowed up in everyday responsibilities, take some time out to work on a favorite hobby or project. Walking past an unfinished project can increase feelings of guilt and worthlessness. Set aside a few minutes every day to work on a project. Before you know it, the project will be finished and you’ll find satisfaction, self-worth and happiness.

6. Quiet Time

In this hectic world, it’s hard to find time to just think about life. It’s important to spend time each day for self-reflection. Whether you soak in a warm bath or go to a quiet spot out in nature, relax and think about the direction of your life in both the present and the future. Self-discovery is key in relieving stress and finding happiness. Reading inspirational works by philosophers or spiritual leaders can help guide you to self-discovery.

7. Exercise

Even though exercise might seem like work to a lot of people, it can really make you feel great. It is medically proven that exercise boosts your mood. If you’ve had a stressful day at work, go out for a run or do some relaxing yoga exercises to unwind. Exercise gets the brain chemicals stimulated, making you feel relaxed and happy. You’ll also get a confidence boost because regular exercise also makes you look better.

8. Time Management

Are you frazzled by all the things you need to get done in a day? Managing your time can help ease up the pressure and stress in your life. Make a daily schedule that includes all the tasks you need to complete that day. Follow your list and concentrate on one task at a time. You’ll be surprised just how good it feels to cross each thing off the list as you complete it.

9. Keep a Daily Journal

Writing in a daily journal helps you realize all the good things going on in your life. It also helps you change things that bother you. As you write, you might discover bad habits or ideas on how to improve your life that you wouldn’t have realized before. A journal is another way to self-discovery, which can help you attain a joyful life.

10. Let Go of the Past

The past can really get a strangle hold on those that can’t just let it go. If you have something in your past, whether it’s an argument you had with a friend or something you did that you’re not proud of, fix it. Get in touch with the person, have chat and patch things up.

Best Funny Texts Parents Sent to Their Kids

Parents offer their kids words of wisdom to help guide them through their days but when it comes to texting, maybe parents could learn a thing or two from their kids. These priceless screenshots of texts sent by parents have kids wondering how their parents ever managed to get this far in life.

A Major Faux Pas! How does this Mom talk her way out of this one?

Awkward! The things Moms will say :\

Dad needs a few lessons on using Twitter and get a good spell checker!

Huh? Not sure what this one means...maybe you could explain!

Time will tell!

Did you Google it? That Momma is in for a rude awakening!

Daddy needs a bigger keyboard!

Mom needs a #hashtag tutorial!

Not sure what this one is supposed to be! Any ideas?

Hope Mommy checks her finished text next time. Could save an embarrassing moment!

Top 10 Albert Einstein Quotes

Albert Einstein, known around the world as a gifted scientist, educator, speaker and philosopher shared his knowledge until his death in 1955. It’s hard to understand what goes on in the brain of such a brilliant man but these top 10 Einstein quotes give an inkling into the mind of this extraordinary scientist. His thought-provoking quotes are full of his uncanny wit, love of humanity and his life of intellectual pursuits.

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day."

From Memoirs of William Miller, quoted in Life magazine, May 2, 1955
"The ordinary adult never gives a thought to space-time problems.... I, on the contrary, developed so slowly that I did not begin to wonder about space and time until I was an adult. I then delved more deeply into the problem than any other adult or child would have done."

"It is important for the common good to foster individuality: for only the individual can produce the new ideas which the community needs for its continuous improvement and requirements—indeed, to avoid sterility and petrification."

 March 1952; Einstein Archive 28-932; p. 286

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” 

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” 

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” 

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” 

“When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.” 

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.” 

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” 

Top 10 Hollywood Scandals Ever

When it comes to Hollywood scandals, some of the old timers take the prize for the spiciest and most shocking scandals. The bygone era of Hollywood featured the glitz glamour of Hollywood stars and fans loved the handsome leading stars and gorgeous starlets. Scandals became even more shocking because of the fairy tale lives of the top Hollywood stars. Although today’s stars still live rich and exciting lives, they’re not idolized quite as much by fans. In fact, Hollywood scandals seem to be a dime a dozen these days.

Elizabeth Taylor  

Imagine Elizabeth Taylor one year after her first husband’s death. It was 1958 and this Oscar winning, stunning actress married Eddie Fisher, a friend of her dead husband. Not only that, but she stole Fisher away from singer and actress, Debbie Reynolds. Debbie was everyone’s “girl next door” with her blonde hair, sweet demeanor and melodic voice. The scandal rocked Hollywood and adoring fans didn’t know whether to side with Taylor or Reynolds. Of course, Elizabeth Taylor ended up divorcing seven of her eight husbands. Mike Todd, her first husband died in a plane crash and was the only one Taylor didn’t divorce.

Errol Flynn

This charismatic, charming 1940s actor, well known for playing the lead in The Adventures of Robin Hood had the ladies swooning. Fans adored him even with the rumors of excessive drinking and carousing. In 1942, Flynn was accused of raping Betty Hansen and Peggy Satterlee, both underage. The trial hit all the papers and rocked Hollywood but Flynn found innocent. His playboy lifestyle resulted in an early death from heart attack in 1959. Beverly Aadland, his 17-year-old girlfriend was with him when he died.

Rob Lowe

Rob Lowe, one of the teenage heartthrobs of the Brat Pack popular during the 1980s was involved in a sex scandal in 1988. A videotape exposing Lowe having sex with two girls in Atlanta was leaked to the public. One of the girls was only 16-years-old. The incident took place during the Democratic National Convention. Another scene on the same tape showed a hotel room in Paris where Lowe and a friend were having sex with a model. Because of the publicly displayed scandal, Lowe admitted himself into rehab for sex addiction. The scandal didn’t ruin his career, however. He pulled himself together and continued a successful acting career in TV series like The West Wing and Brothers and Sisters.

Katherine Hepburn

Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy were the most romantic couple in Hollywood during the 1940s. Fans couldn’t get enough of this fairy tale couple. Hepburn’s career as an actress spanned 60 years and it only recently came to light in a book written by Cotty Bowers, that the romance was a farce. According to his writings, Katherine Hepburn was a lesbian who had hundreds of lovers.

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen, best known for his role as Charlie in the TV series, Two and a Half Men was at the center of a very public scandal involving his drug abuse and sex antics that has been going on since the 90s. A woman sued Sheen in 1995, accusing him of striking her in the head multiple times when she refused sex with him. During the trial, it was revealed that Sheen paid over $50,000 for prostitutes. 

George Sanders

This handsome English actor, one married to Magda Gabor, Benita Hume and Zsa Zsa Gabor became famous in Hollywood for his voice and playing the role of high-class rogues. He was the voice of the infamous tiger,  Sher Khan in the 1967 version of The Jungle Book. He was often depressed and in 1972, while in Barcelona, he consumed five bottles of Nembutal. He left a note, saying, “Dear World, I am leaving because I am bored. I feel I have lived long enough. I am leaving you with your worries in this sweet cesspool. Good luck.”

Clark Gable

While filming, Call of the Wild, Clark Gable and co-star, Loretta Young had an affair. Since it was 1935 and Gable was a married man, affairs of this kind were shocking. Not only that, the affair ended with a pregnant Loretta Young. Young was also a Catholic, which only added flames to the fire. Gable and Young covered up the pregnancy by having Young go into seclusion for a year. When she returned to Hollywood with a little girl named Judy Young, she explained by saying that she adopted the girl while she was away.

Judy Garland

Singer and actress, Judy Garland first became known for her role as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. Her voice and little girl image captivated the world. While she was married to David Rose, her first husband, she became pregnant. The Hollywood studio forced her to have an abortion, even though she was married. Her husband agreed with them, which made it even harder for Judy to resist. The reason given was that it would ruin her “good girl” image. Garland eventually committed suicide in her 50s.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

After 14 years of marriage to Maria Shriver, Arnold finally admitted to his ongoing affair and love child with his housekeeper, Mildred Baena. He had the affair right under the nose of Shriver and his children, in their Pacific Palisades home. His mistress became pregnant with his child at the same time that Shriver also became pregnant with their son, Christopher. Christopher was born on Sept. 27, 1997 and his son with his mistress was born on Oct. 2, just five days later.

Lindsay Lohan

At this point, Lindsay Lohan is better known for her scandals and court appearances than her acting career. Starting in 2006, Lohan was admitted to the hospital for supposed exhaustion. The studio executives were furious and threatened Lohan with a lawsuit. It’s been all downhill for Lohan since then. She has had multiple arrests for drug use, missing court hearings and alcohol abuse. After to a relationship with Samantha Ronson in 2008, the paparazzi became relentless. Lohan’s arrests include driving under the influence, seven misdemeanors, served house arrest and was sent to jail for 30 days.